Mendeley reference manager

10. Using the Notebook feature

Select Notebook from the top panel, and a new side panel opens on the right. Once open, you can add new pages to your notebook. To do this, select New page from the bottom bar. You can add general comments to the notebook. Add a title and text to the new page in the notebook.

By selecting Annotations you can enter annotations for a specific reference. To do this, open Annotations, click on the selected reference and add annotations. This annotation will be added to the specific reference previously selected. 

You can also add annotations to a specific PDF that is attached to the reference. To add an annotation, you must have Notebook open and from there the Annotations tab. Once these are open, double-click on the selected reference (with the PDF file attached) and a PDF will open with the tools to add annotations to the PDF in the top left panel. For example, you can choose the colour you want to annotate with, and by activating the highlight tool, you can highlight some text.

By choosing the Highlight rectangle tool instead, you can highlight a specific area of the file.

If you want to change the colour of your notes, just click on the note and choose the colour you like. You can also click on a note to delete it.

In addition to highlighting the text, you can add comments. To do this, click on the sticky note button and then click on the desired area inside the text.

All added annotations are also visible in the Notebook tab under Annotations. Clicking on them will also show the annotation inside the PDF.