Mendeley reference manager

1. Mendeley reference manager

Mendeley is the reference manager of Elsevier Publishing House. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac. This guide is designed for most Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office configurations. 

To use Mendeley, you need to install it on your computer by clicking on the red Download button.  Download Mendeley to your computer using the blue Download button on the left. After installation, the Mendeley icon will appear on your desktop. 

The next step is to make yourself an Elsevier account. To do so, go back to the Mendeley Reference Manager page and select Create account from the top panel. The same account will apply to Elsevier's ScienceDirect and Scopus databases so if the account is already made then you can use the same account.

Once the ELSEVIER account is created, install Mendeley Web Importer. You now have everything you need to start using the Mendeley reference management software.