Immunology and hematology LKG0160


11.Nov-18.Dec 2019


Sirje Rüütel Boudinot

Airi Rump

group: YAGM31, 

Prerequisite(s): YTM0011:

1. Overview of the immune system (innate and adaptive immunity).

2. Cells, organs and microenvironment of the immune system (prim and sec imm organs).

3. Receptors and signalling (BCR, Ab structure, TCR, rearrangement, signal transduction).

4. Cytokines and chemikines

5. Innate immunity (barriers, Complement, Phagocytosis, NK, inflammatory response)

6. Organization and expression of lymphoid receptor genes

7. Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and antigen presentation.

8. T cell development, activation and differentiation

9. B cell development, activation and differentiation

10. Allergy hypersensitivities and chronic inflammation

11. Tolerance, autoimmunity and transplantation

12. Infectious disease: Viral and bacterial infections and vaccines

13. Infectious disease: fungal and parasitic infections and vaccines

14. Immunodeficiency disorders

15. Cancer and immune system

16. Experimental systems and immunological methods