Whether it's a big sales pitch, a keynote speech or a briefing to corporate shareholders, public speaking is something that just about every entrepreneur eventually has to do somewhere down the line. "Everyone at some point has to address an audience," said Margaret Bennett, vice president of public relations at Huntington Toastmasters, a group that helps members build and improve their public speaking skills.

This course intends to familiarize students with the preparation and delivery of various speeches including informative and persuasive speeches. Students will research, outline and deliver speeches, as well as act as critics of their own, fellow students’, and famous speakers’ work.  The course aims to reduce students’ anxiety in public presentations, emphasize speech preparation, enhance public speaking skills, and make students better able to evaluate their own performance and that of others.

    Welcome to the course!

Course lecturer: Mrs Ulvi Renser (MA)
Lecturer´s contact: ulvi.renser@taltech.ee

Office: SOC-465 (Times of tutorials can be found in ÕIS.)