Welcome to the course!

The course aims to develop students entrepreneurial competencies and awareness, and practice enterprising behavior and business planning.

Course expectations:

  • The course will challenge students' beliefs, incite exploratory and inquisitive attitude, and promote reflective practices on one's self and surrounding environment.
  • The course relies on active and hands on approaches to learning, with working in groups being the norm. Hence, active participation during the classes is expected
  • Attendance of lectures and seminars is crucial to the learning process. In compelling situations, please contact me for alternative arrangements in advance.
  • The Moodle course is a support system to provide help while attending the sessions. 
  • While the majority of assignments are based on classroom activities and material, additional reading and extracurricular activities to be expected
  • In case of unsatisfactory grades in one or more of the assignments, the student is encouraged to contact the lecturer to review and update their submission
  • Office hours with the lecturer are available throughout the semester. These are reserved to discuss entrepreneurial ideas, explain course topics, or get career advice. Please contact the lecturer directly to set it up.

Course schedule:

  • The course is 16 weeks long.
  • Lectures: On odd weeks (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15)
  • Seminars: Every week
  • Office hours. Please email the lecturer
  • The course and the assignments are based on active participation in the classroom.

Aim of the Moodle page:

  • Provide contact lecture material.
  • Inform students of assignments.
  • Give feedback.

Contact details: