Kursuse olulisi teateid vaata foorumist Õppejõu üldised teated (järgmine veebitund, 03.12.2024, kell 14:00 - 15:30: MS Teams link)
EPX5532 Ehitusinfo haldamine ja modelleerimine (BIM II)
01 - Introduction
02 - Delivery phase of the assets (EN ISO 19650-2)
03 - Information management function
04 - Information model
05 - Organisational information requirements
06 - Asset information requirements
07 - Project information requirements
08 - Project information standard
09 - Project information production methods and procedures
10 - Reference information and shared resources
11 - Measured surveys
12 - Common data environment (CDE)
13 - Information protocol
14 - Exchange information requirements (EIR)
15 - Supply chain capability
16 - BIM execution plan (BEP)
17 - Operational phase of the assets (EN ISO 19650-2)
18 - Information security requirements (EN ISO 19650-5)
19 - Project