Weekly outline

    • Transition in Healthcarefrom personal to systems context

      In Europe, particularly in the Nordics, it has become crucial to rethink how our healthcare is being delivered and practiced. Changing demographics, decreasing healthcare workforce, increasing costs in hospital cures, and unexpected pandemics have created a need to redesign the system providing care as well as an understanding of having a healthy lifestyle. 

      The prospect of having a more knowledgeable, resilient and healthy population that would need less hospitalised care in the future has shifted the emphasis solely from sick care to prevention, detection and intervention of one’s health. According to the “Nordic Health 2030” report, taking proactive action and transferring some of the responsibility from centralised healthcare systems to local communities and to individual citizens is the most probable approach for western societies’ healthcare systems in the upcoming decades. Holistic health scenarios would require a contribution from all levels, from systemic to personal and social. 

      Technologies have (or are set to) enabled new ways of curing and interacting with health professionals (home-care, tele-medicine) as well as from assisting personalised health tracking and data collection to DNA-sequencing. These perspectives have paved the way for better efficiency and decreasing costs on some demands, yet await to be designed in a more meaningful and human-centred way. 

      The shift is supported by different players in the healthcare ecosystem that traditionally have not been part of it (in the Nordics and in Estonia) like private sector healthcare providers, insurance funds, initiatives emerging from the digital domain, etc. It has been estimated that a distinction between these players will become more blurry and more integrated in the near future, creating more opportunities for new product-service systems, business models and initiatives to be designed. 

  • WEEK 1




    Facilitating Ojako Bootcamp


    For a background study read "The Next Era in Global Health". (You can skip the "Systems biology" chapter if you find it too detailed focus). 

  • WEEK 2

    Individual work, deadline 13.09 evening:

    1. (in addition to the reading) find and explore two existing studies / projects / articles / examples in healthcare that depict your interest in this field. 

    2. Upload the links with a title/front page to the Miro board.
    2.1 Bring out key insights – most relevant which describes the problems, new framings or developments, (include your name as well). 

    Teamwork, deadline 14.09 at 13.00: 

    3. Cluster the topics into seven themes. Each student is in charge of one theme (or more – all themes must be covered). All the insights (from the 1st year as well 2nd year students) should be gathered and clustered together.
    3.1 Consider relevant subjects to be explored further in your themes – add questions to the Miro board for the 1st year students to work on. 

    Individual work, for 19.09

    4. Prepare a presentation for a 19.09 class about your theme(s):
    – Overview of the theme;
    – Problems and paradoxes;
    – Visions and goals.

  • WEEK 3

    Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89162732564?pwd=T0hkRE84ZWRCUnBicHd3bmFVSkgwdz09

    10:00 Presentations of individual research based on the input from the Miro board assignment

    Mapping the system of healthcare

    Homework for 21.09: 
    1st year students are continuing the mapping started in the class. Those 2nd year students who were absent on Tuesday will give feedback (each for one team) for Thursday's class. The task for 1st year students is:

    1. Based on the last week's work and presentations > what issues, points are missing from your map?

    2. What kind of findings are represented in your map that were not discussed in the class / presentations?

    Give your feedback based on these teams: 

    Anna, Carl-Eric, Erki > Mario
    Ceren, Claire, Johanne, Lisa > Kadri
    Glen, Maarika, Mirjam > Jara
    Hannes, Liina-Mai, Simone > César

  • WEEK 4

    Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2700663877

    Ain Aaviksoo gives an introductory talk about the medical system.

    Recording of the talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ksUdoSZEzgpn_xbg5BznpFbAW3mR-O11-S0OcyhO9G7PMy54CPbzpKzIZib0t9zw.-EwaogOK99LVuFRF?startTime=1695711923000

    Passcode: He@Zv#E9

    Homework: continue working with tensions, and look for good sample cases.

    Workshop A - choose two uncertainties - the tensions you have defined and create a 2x2 scenario matrix. Scketsh 4 scenarios of the healthcare system

    Workshop B - the Manoa Method 
    • future pockets - find random samples of services, events, occasions, and cases that offer us glimpses of the future today. Look wider than healthcare.  Write them on Post-its in Miro.
    • choose 3 trends, they do not have to be connected to each other or healthcare. Create a Future Wheel for all of them
    • find out how these three wheels interact, interconnected, or influence each other
    • based on the last analysis create one (or more) scenario that presents the healthcare system in 15 years to come. Your scenario should sketch the overall systemic views and give an idea about attitudes and agreements in society. In order to be more exact choose one healthcare issue to make the scenario illustrative and understandable. Do not choose strictly medical procedures like organ transplantation but something that affects a wider public: prevention, living with chronic diseases, relationship to the family doctor (if there is one) or specialist ....

    Homework: sketch the scenario. We will develop it further in the classroom.

    Read the chapter of the book, that explains the methods. There is also extra material about weak signals.


  • WEEK 5

    03.10 choosing focus areas

    05. 10 Polishing Contextual Scenarios


    personal task - finish Contextual Scenario about possible future in Miro

    team task - interview your stakeholders and look for insight, prepare 5 min presentation for Tuesday

  • WEEK 6

    10.10 Quick presentations of research

    Causal Layered Analysis. TEDx talk by Sohail Inayatullah


    Please make your CLA for Thursday

    I added here one example

  • WEEK 7

    Reflection of research results

    Updating systems map

    Task:  Creating a research presentation, discussing the plan/findings with study partner.

  • WEEK 8 - 24.10.

  • WEEK 9

    Tuesday 31.10

    Sketching opportunity spaces. Return to your four future scenarios and play them through with your concept in mind. Find out how different Futures will affect your proposal. Practice using Metaphors to gain a better understanding of the value offered to different stakeholders involved.

    Thursday 02.11

    Development of the conceptual scenarios

  • WEEK 10

    Tuesday 07.11  Problem space and framing's validation with Future scenarios


    Thursday 09.11 - Backcasting
    independent work 

    Based on your Future Scenarios choose the Preferable Future where you have evidence and envision your concept for 10+ years (2035). Through back-casting define two steps towards this goal: + 2 years (2026) and + 5 years (2030. Bring out what affects in society - cultural trends + technology development support your ideas. What is already largely present, what is in an early stage of development.

  • WEEK 11

    Tuesday 14.11

    Discussing Future concept and back-casted steps

    Thursday 16.11

    Concept development - systems level.

    Consider your proposal on two levels: 

    a) service concept - what value it creates for stakeholders directly involved (users, patients, doctors ...), how it functions (scenario of user journey, key interaction points)

    b) systems-level - what could be the effects on systems level - what kind of changes in society is needed, new management of healthcare, what are obstacles and where are opportunities.

    The reason of your task is to look for opportunities for the transition of healthcare - so the need for change comes from the system itself. Don't kill your thinking because it is not probable now. We need to show what could be probable. Remember - society in 10+ years and lets back-cast few steps back.

    Read again Donella Meadows article about leverage points in systems. 

  • WEEK 12

    Tuesday 21.11

     Concept pre-presentation and development

  • WEEK 13

    Tuesday 28.11 Design Vision presentation

    Thursday 30.11 Reflections & planning of iterations

    Task: concept development and testing

  • WEEK 14

    Creation of user stories and scenarios (visual)

    Mock-ups and desktop walkthrough, prototyping and testing system elements

    Task: Iterative development, prototyping & testing with users

  • WEEK 15

    Presentation concept.

    Finalising vision design, storytelling.

    Task:  Preparing presentation

  • WEEK 16

    Tuesday 19.12 Presentation of concept

    Thursday 21.12 Christmas brunch

    Reflextions & final directions

    Task: defining proposal, preparation of final presentation on 16th of January

    Writing personal essay & research report

  • January 12th

    • Write in free form, what did you learn in this project and where do you see an opportunity to use future foresight approach and methods.

      2 pages.

    • 2. Written project report 

      The report should present 

      1) Presence - the current situation of Healthcare system and the problem definition

      2) Future - explain the reasoning behind the choice of your Preferable Future, what will change, what could change, what are the dangers

      3) Concept - new framing, value offer, patient journey, systems overview

      4) Backcasting - what are the steps necessary to make your proposal work, what already exists, what needs to be developed or changed (technology, healthcare system, legal frameworks, public mindset ...)

      Upload the report to Moodle by 12.01.2024

  • 16h of January


    The presntation takes place at EKA in room A-501, starting time 10:00

    For the final presentation you have to prepare a 1-2 min video to present your concept

    1. Presentation - quick walk through the project and your proposal presented with video - 10 min

    2. Written project report