Introductory video lecture about Naive Bayes classifier

Introductory video lecture about Naive Bayes classifier

by Kristjan Pilt -
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Dear students,

29th of February (next week Thursday) at 13:00 we will have lecture about Naive Bayes Classifier and Feature Discretization in room SOC-210.

I have prepared the introduction lecture. Under topic 'Naive Bayes Classifier and Feature Discretization' you can find link to the video lecture and slides. It is 43 minutes long and contains basics of the probability calculations with the examples. The lecture ends with the definition of Naive Bayes classifier. Who is not confident in the calculation of probability and don't remember exactly the concepts of it then please look this video lecture through before next Wednesday (29th of February). On 29th of February we will continue with the Naive Bayes classifier and examples. On Thursday it is also necessary to have laptop with you, if possible. We are going to take a look to the Naive Bayes simple example in MS Excel.

If you have any questions then let me know:

See you,
