Enrolment options

Course aims:

The project course is meant for the students of Mechatronics, IT, Electronics and close specialties having some relevant skills and knowledge for practical work. 
The goals of the course are: 
- to give students the opportunity to apply and develop the knowledge they have during previous studies in realization of a practical project to develop skills in the field of mechatronics and project work; 
- to give students practical and teamwork experience in collaborating at a real industrial problem analysis, project planning and practical problem solving utilizing respective knowledge in mechatronics, electronics and IT and project management; 
- to give students the experience of an interdisciplinary project teamwork with supervision of specialists of related areas; 
- to give students an opportunity to implement theoretical knowledge and start working towards real R&D projects; 
- to give students an experience in compiling a scientific or engineering paper or Conf. presentation as report of the project.


This is a practical Project course where a team of students is given a real industry or R&D related task to solve a problem, draw the Project plan and design and compose a mechatronic system, which might be a robotic or robot technology application related or some other smart system problem solution which is new in the field and have some real impact on industry or science. The work is organized as real teamwork with a team leader, management and Project planning guided with respective supervisors. The Project ends with an open public demonstration and discussion seminar of the Project results and presenting a journal paper draft ready for the publication in an engineering journal discussing the Project problem, solution approach and results of the Project.

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Guest access
Self enrolment (Õppija/Student)
Self enrolment (Õppija/Student)
Self enrolment (Õpetaja/Teacher)
Self enrolment (Õpetaja/Teacher)