Kursusele registreerimise sätted

Course aims:

Learning the basics of logistics and acquisition of knowledge about inbound, outbound, production and reverse logistics, supply and distribution chains engineering and strategic/operative planning of logistics.

Brief description of the course

Interpretation of the logistics content, overview of the stages of logistics development. Logistics vs supply chain engineering. Interdisciplinary relationships in logistics theory. Types of logistic companies and their value adding activities. Logistics strategy. Market of logistic services. Make-or-buy decision, 3PL and 4PL. Total costs of ownership. Supply chain, fundamentals of supply chain management. Importance of supply and demand in logistics. Production logistics. Warehousing and transportation in logistics, distribution system. Criterions for the choose of transport mode. Customer service. Packaging and reverse logistics.

Iseregistreerumine (Õppija/Student)
Iseregistreerumine (Õppija/Student)
Iseregistreerumine (Õpetaja/Teacher)
Iseregistreerumine (Õpetaja/Teacher)