Internal Model Control. Cascade, feedforward, ratio and override control. Multivariable control. Batch processes control. Plantwide control. Process safety. Safety instrumented system. Control engineering projects.
Nonlinear systems, Principes of nonlinear systems identification and control;
Adaptive control systems;
Artificial neural networks. Structures of artificial neural networks and training algorithms;
Artificial neural networks based identification of nonlinear systems;
Artificial neural networks based control of nonlinear systems;
Self-learning neural networks;
Artificial neural networks based image recognition and pattern classification;
Fuzzy control;
Dynamic feedback linearization based control of nonlinear systems;
Genetic algorithms and their applications for identification and control of nonlinear systems.
- Õpetaja/Teacher: Saleh Ragheb Saleh Alsaleh
- Õpetaja/Teacher: Eduard Petlenkov
- Õpetaja/Teacher: Aleksei Tepljakov
- Õpetaja/Teacher: Vitali Vansovitš
- Õpetaja/Teacher: Kristina Vassiljeva