Kursusele registreerimise sätted

This course provides and explains foundational components of e-Governance and their interaction in an information society.  It starts with an introduction to information society and how it has established the environment for e-governance development. Then, the main building blocks of e-governance, their aims, initiatives, and enablers are introduced, and how they are related to external subjects and domains. As the nature of the course is interdisciplinary, it entails an intersection of multiple domains by explaining political, legal, social, economic, and IT layers impacting e-governance implementation. To cover the named areas, various e-governance experts and practitioners are invited to share their insights and experience with the class during a seminar week, November 6th – 10th in Tallinn, Estonia, at the Mektory Innovation Hub (Raja 15). The course curriculum is built on the practical and theoretical knowledge gained from various e-governance projects and initiatives in Estonia and worldwide.

Iseregistreerumine (Õppija/Student)
Iseregistreerumine (Õppija/Student)
Iseregistreerumine (Õpetaja/Teacher)
Iseregistreerumine (Õpetaja/Teacher)