Enrolment options

Understanding the constraints, advantages, and disadvantages of globalization and how supply chains work at a general level. Trading in goods and international trade in all sort of services from financial to transport, travel or intellectual property. What is ahead in a globalized world for upcoming digital services. Coping with the critical success factors in international business, the role of regulations and international bodies, the cross-culture issues and managerial hassles, how to factor risks and dealing with conflicts, and of course how to do proper planning.

At the end of the course you will be ready to develop - regardless the sector of activity - an internationalization roadmap linked to a strategy. The course will also explore the role of start-ups within an international perspective at pre-market time.

Self enrolment (Õppija/Student)
Self enrolment (Õppija/Student)
Self enrolment (Õpetaja/Teacher)
Self enrolment (Õpetaja/Teacher)