11. How to use Mendeley reference management software in Microsoft Word

In order to use the reference management software in Microsoft Word, you must first download the Mendeley Cite for Microsoft Word add-on. To do this, go to this website: Mendeley Cite | Mendeley and install the add-on on your computer.

Once Mendeley Cite is downloaded to your computer, the Mendeley logo appears in the Microsoft Word Reference panel.

If you click on the Mendeley logo, a new tab opens on the right. For first time use, you will need to log in using the ELSEVIER account you created earlier (at the beginning of this tutorial). Once you are logged in, Word will synchronise with your Mendeley software and you will see all your reference entries in the tab.

To add a reference using Mendeley Cite, click on the area in the Word document where you want to add the letter. Then use the search function and drop-down menu on the right-hand tab to find the reference you need.

To insert a citation in a Word file, put a tick in front of it and click insert citation.

The reference is now in your document, where you previously clicked with the cursor.

If you want to add more reference entries in the same location, click on the previously added reference and look for the reference you want to add in the tab on the right. It is also possible to delete a reference in the same way. To do this, click on the reference and on the right tab click on the cross next to the reference you want to delete.

To create a list of sources used, click on the place in your document where you want to add the list. In the right-hand tab, click on the three dots (or more button) and select insert bibliography. You will then see a small notice that the bibliography is being inserted at the cursor location, click continue and a list of sources used will appear at the location you selected.

To change the citation style, click the citation style/citation settings button on the right-hand tab, and under the change citation style button, select the style you prefer. If you want to search for another style, scroll down the tab, select search for another style and type in the style you want to search for.