What to prepare before the next lesson (8 of September)

What to prepare before the next lesson (8 of September)

by Tara Ghasempouri -
Number of replies: 0

Hello all,

For the next lesson please do the following:

1- Do the quiz which is in the moodle, I also copy its link here: https://moodle.taltech.ee/course/view.php?id=30259

2- Study the material in the PDF called CPU - Lab 1, I put the link to this PDF here but you can see it in the moodle: https://moodle.taltech.ee/pluginfile.php/580134/mod_resource/content/2/CPU%20-%20Lab%201%20%28pdf%29.pdf

Regarding this PDF you should read it and understand how a Subtractor, Comparator, Decoder, etc works. I will ask randomly from students at the beginning of the next session about these components' functionality. 

