Weekly outline

  • Week 1: Introduction - (Course starts on 6th September, 2024)

    • This quiz will help you understand what preliminary knowledge you have regarding the course material.

      Please keep the following in mind:

      • This quiz is only 15 minutes, so if you do not know the answer to a question, skip it and move on to the next question.
      • You are allowed only one attempt.
      • It will be opened the day the first session starts and will be open for a week.

  • Week 2: CPU - Central Processing Unit

    • Watch this video that explains the basic functions of the CPU.
    • Watch this video that explains the difference between latches and Flip-Flops
    • Watch this video that explains SR latch
    • Watch this video that explains D latch
    • Watch this video that explains D Flip-Flop
    • Watch this video that explains JK Flip-Flop
  • Week 3: ISA - Instruction Set Architecture

  • Week 4: MIPS ISA

    • You can download this VHDL model of a MINI MIPS processor and read the instruction manual. This will help you understand MIPS and the way it processes data.

    • This is a link to a YouYube Playlist that discusses in simplified details how MIPS work. Now be aware, these videos approach MIPS in a slightly different way that we approach the CPU. Furthermore, it discusses some features of MIPS that will not be discussed in class. 

  • Week 5: Pipeline - Oct. 5

  • Week 6: Kernel and User Modes

  • Week 7: OS - Operating System

  • Week 8: Memory Hierarchy 1

  • Week 9: Memory Hierarchy 2

  • Week 10: Memory Hierarchy 3

  • Week 11: Memory Managment 1

  • Week 12: Memory Managment 2

  • Week 13: Processes

  • Week 14: Computer Arithmetics

  • Week 15: Computer Arithmetics in Hardware

  • Week 16: Backup time

  • Final Written Exam

    Date and time for Final exam:

    To be announced.

    All materials in this course are included in the examSlides, Home Tasks, and lab assignments.

    This is a closed-book exam. The use of class material or any other aids is strictly prohibited. All you need is a pencil. The exam will be handwritten and answers must be done on the answer sheet provided.

    The questions on the exam will be in the same style as your midterm exam. Variations of the questions differ, but they will follow in a similar fashion. Materials on all topics which are taught during the course are in the final exam. 

    The exam will be during the 2-time slots which I announced here. 

    I will be mindful of which material to include and the difficulty of the questions will vary (some easy questions and others harder).

    Good luck