Dear Students,
Unfortunately, today's lab session is canceled because I cannot attend due to illness. However, I encourage you to start working on Lab Assignment 2.
You can find detailed explanations for this assignment on Moodle. However, in this message, I'm providing additional information to help you get started:
There are 2 sections in lab assignment 2.
First Section:
In section 1, what you have to do is tracing the Program 1.
Please download the LabAssignment2_PART1_16BitDummyCPU_ISA.xlsx file.
In this file, under '16-bit Dummy CPU Instruction Set Architecture,' you will find details for each instruction.
For instance, the first instruction, 'LDa R0 $5,' has an opcode of 001 and loads the value at address $5 into register R0.
The columns '#cycles in CISC' and '#cycles in RISC' indicate the number of clock cycles for both CISC and RISC.
In Table Program 1, you see the PC values in the first column and the corresponding instruction in front of each.
Your task is to trace these instructions (in Table Program 1) and record the values of registers R0 to R3 for each instruction (IR) in the table Execution Progress.
Second Section:
For section 2 of the assignment, you just need to simply write a program that performs based on the explanations in the Excel file. And then trace it in the “Section 2 ProgramTrace” sheet of the file.
Should you have any questions, feel free to ask through Moodle or via email ( I will also address your questions next week, but please start working on this assignment from today.
Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience.